dvt:barGraph should have the clickListener
< dvt:barGraph id="Graph1" value="#{bindings.View1.graphModel}" subType="BAR_VERT_CLUST" clickListener="#{MyBeab.clickAction}" ...>
In bean the clickListener should be implemented as follows:
void processClick(ClickEvent event) { ComponentHandle handle = event.getComponentHandle(); if (handle instanceof DataComponentHandle) { DataComponentHandle dhandle = (DataComponentHandle)handle; // Get the value displayed in the series System.out.println("Value: " + dhandle.getValue(DataComponentHandle.UNFORMATTED_VALUE)); // Get the series attributes Attributes [] seriesInfo = dhandle.getSeriesAttributes(); if(seriesInfo != null) { for(Attributes attrs: seriesInfo) { System.out.println("Series value: " + attrs.getValue(Attributes.LABEL_VALUE)); System.out.println("Series name: " + attrs.getValue(Attributes.LABEL_ATTRIBUTE)); System.out.println("Series value id: " + attrs.getValue(Attributes.ID_VALUE)); System.out.println("Series name id: " + attrs.getValue(Attributes.ID_ATTRIBUTE)); } } // Get the group attributes Attributes [] groupInfo = dhandle.getGroupAttributes(); if(groupInfo != null) { for(Attributes attrs: groupInfo) { System.out.println("Group value: " + attrs.getValue(Attributes.LABEL_VALUE)); System.out.println("Group name: " + attrs.getValue(Attributes.LABEL_ATTRIBUTE)); } } } }