Showing posts with label JDeveloper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JDeveloper. Show all posts

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Jdeveloper hangs on wsil connection creation

In JDeveloper 11g if we try to create of test the WSIL connection with wrong detail of URL, username or password, JDeveloper hangs.

Make sure that to provide the correct details of URL, username and password while creating the WSIL connection

To verify the URL, access the same URL in a browser. Provide username and password when it prompts. If you see the response then the URL works fine.

You can see the result like this:

WSIL result when you browse

Note: The URL http://localhost:7001/inspection.wsil is a path that works for the Oracle
SOA Suite 11g environment

JDeveloper will not start and hungs

One of the best solution for this to get resolved..
When you have problem with JDeveloper like not starting or crashing
Delete JDeveloper's system directory from JDeveloper home directory

The default location for JDeveloper home directory will be:
 XP; C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\JDeveloper\
 Windows 7: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\

 Under the JDeveloper home directory you can see a directory named as systemxx.x.x.xx...
Ex : system11. (for JDeveloper

First close the JDeveloper and delete the system directory. then after start JDeveloper again, JDeveloper will recreate a new fresh one.
Note: All your JDeveloper settings will be lost on deleting the system directory !!!!

System directory contains the JDeveloper custom settings, if you delete this directory it wont impact your work folder (projects).